Clean Arwari Campaign:

Developing countries hold such perspective that garbage cleanup is only reserved for the lower class, where middle or elite class consider picking something up from the muddy floor which they were created from as shameful. We are in a state where blaming the government or the lower class for it as they are so-called illiterate is easier than striving towards change. To escape from this backward mentality, we adopt the liberal or modern mindset, but this is a point where we humans need to comprehend that setting aside our classes, status, differences in the end we all will pay the price for the havoc we are creating. Beverly Hills Residences is a project built on the foundation of modernization yet still initiated a campaign called, ‘Clean Arwari’, where many companies themselves pollute the environment, Beverly Hills Residences has taken a more logical approach by promoting sustainability and arranging a garbage cleanup drive rather than ignoring the garbage piled up in the adjacent forest which could eventually lead to several diseases and could ruin the beauty of Murree. The land is not from us, we are from the land for our will to survive can only change these worsening situations, we took the step now it’s your turn!

Sustainability at Beverly Hills Residences:

Sustainable doors are made from biodegradable, recycled materials which have a less harmful impact on the environment because they reduce waste and emissions. Beverly Hills Residences has taken a practical approach in designing the apartments while introducing ‘Sustainable Doors’ for eco-friendliness where one door saves one tree!

The importance of taking such measures are followed because; firstly, Pakistan has suffered some devastating natural disasters for example floods and cyclone Bhola. Secondly, Pakistan is observing such disasters due to the industries and architectural industry being one of the many which do not follow measures of LEED (Green Building Council) leading to more than 40% greenhouse gas emissions. As many know, Pakistan is known for its northern sites, the glaciers, snowcapped mountains and the highest peak K-2 along with many lakes, due to the higher emission of harmful gasses, these structures start to melt leading to water flow increasing.

Looking at these statistics, Beverly Hills Residences has decided to initiate and complete their project by not compromising the beauty of Murree. Sustainable Doors are used in the building process which were tested beforehand for being non-corrosive, non-termite, no swelling, fire retardant and non-toxic high-quality doors. We have followed the procedures of LEED which evaluates location, transportation, sustainable energy use, indoor environmental quality and seamlessly blending in the society or environment. LEED v4.1 clause states that, “Emphasizes integrative design to ensure better design, translation of design into high quality construction, optimize operations and high performance of a building.”

One could say it is impeccable how Beverly Hills Residences is a project built on the foundation of modernization using high tech and software, yet they still focus upon the well-being of the society and their residents by building a sustainable building which can withstand natural disasters and will also lower the risks of these disasters by decreasing the damage to the climate.

We choose sustainable doors to enter tomorrow, you choose us to help us to build the desired tomorrow.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to initiatives and policies that are intended to have a positive impact on the world. The Dwellers primarily includes Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in its vision by supporting voluntary and socially-ethical practices. Conforming to the conventions of CSR, We aspire to give back to the community in the best possible way, thus our holistic and diverse perspective of CSR includes nature, humans and animals. We are taking our first initiative and sponsoring the 6th Annual Golf Tournament to support the Deaf Reach, a foundation that is catering to the needs of deaf community.  We are honored to break the societal norms and take our rightful position to empower the deaf fraternity, which is Pakistan’s greatest asset. We are also supporting the Ayesha Chundrigar Foundation (ACF) the first and largest rescue service, shelter and sanctuary of its kind for the injured, abused and neglected animals of Pakistan. For the conservation of nature and endangered species, we are collaborating with the WWF. They aim to deliver innovative solutions that protect communities, wildlife and the places in which they live.